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Tue, Nov 06, 18.

The Parables Of Jesus-(Part 04)-Jugdement Before The End Of The Age


  • What was Jesus’ message and why do we need to study Jesus’ parables?
  • Does any parable tell us all there is to know about the Kingdom of God?
  • Has the kingdom of God come, is it coming or is it to come?


Answer these questions about the Parable of the Wedding Feast:

  • Who is organizing it?
  • For whom is he organizing it; who is the bridegroom?
  • Who is the bride?
  • What is the role of the gospel in the wedding feast?
  • Who are the invitees?
  • Where and when will it take place?
  • What is/are the requirement for admission?
  • Are you ready?

In the parables we have studied, we have been informed that there is a judgment that will take place at the end of the age. Judgments in Jesus’ parables are however not confined to the end of the age. In the following parables you will be reading about such judgments.

In studying these parables, ensure you read the background verses in italics to understand them better.

  1. Unmerciful servant [Mat 18:21-22, 23-35]
  2. The Rich fool [Luk 12:13-15, 16-21]
  3. The Rich man and Lazarus [Luk 16:13-14, 19-31]

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